03 8060 8874
Store info

Opening Hours:

Friday - Saturday

11am - 4pm


261 Albert Street

Brunswick 3056

Victoria Australia

261 Albert Street

Brunswick 3056

Victoria Australia

Opening Hours:

Friday - Saturday

11am - 4pm

Set of four Arne Wahl Iversen Model 'GS61' Rosewood Chair

Danish rosewood dining chair in original black vinyl. Produced by Glyngøre Stolefabrik, 1960s. In original condition with wear and tear. New upholstery or papercording possible on request.

W:455mm  /  D:530mm  /  H:800mm 


Ref: #14837.21

Set of four Arne Wahl Iversen Model 'GS61' Rosewood Chair

Set of four Arne Wahl Iversen Model 'GS61' Rosewood Chair

Set of four Arne Wahl Iversen Model 'GS61' Rosewood Chair
Added to cart Set of four Arne Wahl Iversen Model 'GS61' Rosewood Chair
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