03 8060 8874
Store info

Opening Hours:

Friday - Saturday

11am - 4pm


261 Albert Street

Brunswick 3056

Victoria Australia

261 Albert Street

Brunswick 3056

Victoria Australia

Opening Hours:

Friday - Saturday

11am - 4pm

Ejner Larsen & Axel Bender Madsen Chairs

Set of six dining chairs in teak and black leather. Produced by Willy Beck, 1960s. In part restored condition. Have been re-strapped. See photos with original upholstery. Seats could be redone in new leather, or entire chair reupholstered.

W:490mm  /  D:450mm  /  H:760mm  /  SH:440mm


Ref: B144

Ejner Larsen & Axel Bender Madsen Chairs

Ejner Larsen & Axel Bender Madsen Chairs

Ejner Larsen & Axel Bender Madsen Chairs
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