03 8060 8874
Store info

Opening Hours:

Friday - Saturday

11am - 4pm


261 Albert Street

Brunswick 3056

Victoria Australia

261 Albert Street

Brunswick 3056

Victoria Australia

Opening Hours:

Friday - Saturday

11am - 4pm

Kai Kristiansen Rosewood Wall System


Large modular wall system produced by Feldballes Møbelfabrik, Denmark, 1961. With wall hung cabinets for turntable (with lifting top switching inbuilt backlighting) and tambour fronted record storage. Plus glass fronted cabinets (doors can be removed), shelves and down-lights.

W:855mm (2600mm total) /  H:2320mm  /  D:450mm (cabinets).  

Ref: #20493.6b

Kai Kristiansen Rosewood Wall System

Kai Kristiansen Rosewood Wall System

Kai Kristiansen Rosewood Wall System
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