03 8060 8874
Store info

Opening Hours:

Friday - Saturday

11am - 4pm


261 Albert Street

Brunswick 3056

Victoria Australia

261 Albert Street

Brunswick 3056

Victoria Australia

Opening Hours:

Friday - Saturday

11am - 4pm


Danish Three Seater Sofa in WoolSold

Danish Three Seater Sofa in Wool

Featherston 'Numero IV' ChairSold

Featherston 'Numero IV' Chair

Featherston 'Numero IV' ChairSold

Featherston 'Numero IV' Chair

Featherston 'Numero IV' ChairSold

Featherston 'Numero IV' Chair

Featherston 'Numero IV' Lounge SuiteSold

Featherston 'Numero IV' Lounge Suite

Featherston 'Numero VII' Chair & OttomanSold

Featherston 'Numero VII' Chair & Ottoman

Featherston 'Numero VII' Lounge SuiteSold

Featherston 'Numero VII' Lounge Suite

Featherston 'Numero VII' Lounge SuiteSold

Featherston 'Numero VII' Lounge Suite

Gerald Easden 'Module' SofaSold

Gerald Easden 'Module' Sofa

Gerald Easden 'Module' StoolsSold

Gerald Easden 'Module' Stools

Gerald Easden Module SuiteSold

Gerald Easden Module Suite

Gerd Lange 'Farmer' ChairSold

Gerd Lange 'Farmer' Chair

Harry Bertoia 'Diamond' ChairSold

Harry Bertoia 'Diamond' Chair

Harry Bertoia 'Diamond' ChairsSold

Harry Bertoia 'Diamond' Chairs

Kai Kristiansen 'Model 42' Teak Dining ChairSold

Kai Kristiansen 'Model 42' Teak Dining Chair

Philippe Starck 'Miss Trip' ChairsSold

Philippe Starck 'Miss Trip' Chairs

Philippe Starck 'Miss Trip' Dining TableSold

Philippe Starck 'Miss Trip' Dining Table

Philippe Starck 'S.T Strange Thing' sofaSold

Philippe Starck 'S.T Strange Thing' sofa

Ron Arad 'Soft Little Heavy' Chair for MorosoSold

Ron Arad 'Soft Little Heavy' Chair for Moroso

Rud Thygesen & Johnny Sørensen Model 7702 'Royal' SetteeSold

Rud Thygesen & Johnny Sørensen Model 7702 'Royal' Settee

Set of Four Santa&Cole 'Belloch Chairs

Set of Four Santa&Cole 'Belloch Chairs

T.H.Brown 'Venus' Coffee TableSold

T.H.Brown 'Venus' Coffee Table

Takashi Okamura & Erik Marquardsen SofaSold

Takashi Okamura & Erik Marquardsen Sofa

Vico Magistretti 'Maralunga' Sofa for Cassina.Sold

Vico Magistretti 'Maralunga' Sofa for Cassina.

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