03 8060 8874
Store info

Opening Hours:

Friday - Saturday

11am - 4pm


261 Albert Street

Brunswick 3056

Victoria Australia

261 Albert Street

Brunswick 3056

Victoria Australia

Opening Hours:

Friday - Saturday

11am - 4pm

Hans J. Wegner GE881 'Koldinghus' Chairs

A set of six chairs in darkened beech and black webbing. Designed in 1988 for the public spaces in the restored Koldinghus Castle, Jutland and produced by cabinet maker Johannes Hansen, now produced by Getama. 

W:625mm  /  D:450mm  /  H:810mm  /  SH:440mm


Ref: G211

Hans J. Wegner GE881 'Koldinghus' Chairs

Hans J. Wegner GE881 'Koldinghus' Chairs

Hans J. Wegner GE881 'Koldinghus' Chairs
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